Saturday, June 2, 2012

Romano Vargas | Office Work (Baby Daddy Request)

- Fandom: Hetalia

- Your guy: South Italy - Romano Vargas

- OC: Rose Suzuki - Representative of the country Nürnberg part of Germany

- Looks: long dark brown hair to midsection of back, brown eyes, tomboy, tanned skin

- Inspiration: Surprise me :P

- The beginning -

“Want another shot?” Michiko asked, I could barley hear her over the sound of the bass pounding through the speakers. I nod my head, and watch her walk over to the bar. I saw her lean it and say something in Alfred's ear which must have been hilarious cause he couldn't stop laughing. Picking up my cup, I take a huge gulp of the burning sweet nectar that was my tequila sunrise. I give Michiko a sloppy grin when she handed me my shot. “For you my lady!” she yells over the music, “Thank you my Lord!” and before we could say cheers the glasses hit the table empty.

“Soooo goood!” I yell out as the burning sensation took over my whole body. I could see Michiko smiling as well as she grabbed a hold of me “Let's go outside.” she said her gaze not as hazy as mine but she was getting there. I give her a thumbs up and both stagger to the patio door. Sliding the door open we both bust out laughing at nothing as we cling to the patio railings for dear life. “Oh my God, it feels amazing out here.” she said as she embraced the summer wind. “Yeah! America should throw parties more often.” “For real. Hero or not, the man knows how to throw a wicked party.” chuckling softly, I could see the faint glow of another one of Michiko's cigarettes being lit. It was amazing how euphoric she looked while smoking one, it wasn't a habit I liked that most.. but as she always says 'It could be worse.'.

“Did you see England in there?” she finally asked after a minute. “Oh you mean when he got on the table and started stripping to 'Sexy and I know It'”? “Yeah!” we both laugh at the memory of our friend showing his drunk side. “He was getting into it.” “You're telling me... I had to give him 20 bucks to stop with the 'wiggle wiggle wiggle' part.” I threw my head back laughing, which really wasn't the best idea cause the world started spinning more frantically. Leaning against the rail I focused on a patch of sand underneath me. “I'm pretty sure Scotland is never going to let him forget that one.” I laugh again, imagining how bad he's going to have it when his brother gets a hold of him. I was about to comment back when the sound of footsteps made me stop. Michiko looking over to her left, sighed and then turned back forward. “Who is it?” I whisper quite loudly, which caused her to grin “Prussia, France, Spain, Denmark, S. Italy and your brother.” I gasp “I love all of them!” Michiko busted out laughing “You only love two of them! Well... one more than the other. You just want the other one to get naked and ravish you.” I look up to glare at her, which only made her smile.

“How are you still sober?” I asked her after a second or two. “I'm not.” “Liar!” rolling her eyes she took another sip of her drink. “Drin-” “Sssshhhh.” she said when she noticed the group stumbling our way. “Hey! It's the guys, hiiii guyssss!” she said in a really high pitched tone which caused me to wake up for a minute. “Hello ladies.” Denmark said as he leaned against the railing. He was obviously wasted, his bright blue eyes had a hazy look to them, his hair was slightly messy and you could smell the liquor on his breath from a few feet away. “How are you Denmark?” I asked, lifting my head to look at him. “Pretty good, how about you two?” “Go-” “I'm great but Michiko's not cause she's not drunk yet.” I blurt out only to get a glare from her. I smile innocently as Denmark gets closer to her “Really now? I can help with that.” smiling he through an arm around her shoulders and brought her closer to him. She struggled lightly but laughed none the less. “Thanks but no thanks Denmark, I got this.” “Come on Denmark, get off her.” Bryson said when he looked over at us. “What? I'm just having some fun.” “Fun, riiiiight.” I turn to look at my brother, he was swaying back and forth but still had a good composer about him. “Bryyyyson!” I say while throwing my arms around him. He stumbled back a bit but hugged me back none the less. “Hey there Rose. Feeling good I see.” “You have no idea. We need to get her drunk.” I say so only he could hear me. “Why?” “Because it'll be fun!” Bryson threw me a twisted smile then turned his attention to the Bad Trio.

After a short conversation, Spain stepped up and gave her ass a firm slap. “Ow!” turning sharply she gave a worried look to Toni “Toni? What are you doing?” smiling at the end, Toni just waved back. Waving back nervously Michiko began to slowly turn around, until France took her cigarette and place it on his oh so talented mouth. Facing all of us fully, she crossed her arms over her chest and stared at me. “Whaaat?!” I whined out “This is your doing.” “Nu uh! It's Bryson's!” “You put him up to it.” she said sweetly but that was all an act. “I thought we had something special Bryson!” Michiko said in a peppy voice which made him laugh. “And you, give me my smoke back.” she said pointing a finger at the Frenchman. “Vous le voulez? Come get it.” he said back, blowing smoke ring at her. We watched as she reached into her pocket and got another one, lighting it up. “Nah, too easy.” she said while blowing a kiss to Francis. I giggle at the retort, and turn to see Romano leaning against the railing watching the show.

My eye begin to travel up and down his body. My god was he sexy.. tan skin, hazel eyes, dark brown hair with that adorable, tempting curl the rest gently to the right side of his head. I've heard rumors of what that curl does to the Italians and I want so badly to see if it's true. Biting my lower lip at the thought I didn't notice a pair of hazel eyes glancing at me. “Ohonhonhon~ feisty tonight are we?” “No change from any other night.” Michiko said as her gaze was fixed on Romano and me, a sly grin coming across her face. “Keseseses~ You don't say?” Gilbert said magically appearing in front of her. She shook her head lightly, not playing much attention to the boys. My gazed locked with hers, a soft frown laid upon my face at the wicked grin she wore. Confusion in my eyes and she simply answered with a quick glance to Romano. Gulping slightly, I carefully walked over to her. Pushing Denmark off her I wrapped my arms around her, “You know I love you right?!” “I wonder sometimes.” Squeezing her tighter I buried my face in her shoulder trying to get her to change her mind, “But I do!” “Mhm.” she muttered out softly, but damn that grin. Too busy with my head in her shoulder, I didn't see the wink she threw at my brother who soon caught on rather quickly.

I felt my brother pull me off of her only to start rambling about something stupid, but being drunk made it sound interesting.. although I had no idea what he was saying. After about 5 minutes of him talking I grew thirsty. “I'm thirsty, and bored.” I quickly whip around only to see Michiko standing next to Romano, smiling. His cheeks was slightly flustered, giving his tan skin a light red glow. Damn it! Even when he blushed he's sexy! “What are you two talking about?” I ask while waving a drunk hand at them, “Nothing important.” shaking my head “It had to be important, otherwise you wouldn't be doing anything.” “Not true... it could be tricky and twisted.” she said raising an eye brow at me. I knew she was up to something but I just couldn't stop starting at Romano... the boy had something about him that drew me too him. “Well two can play that game!” I say while grabbing a hold of Gilbert's collar and dragging him inside with me.

“Was zur Hölle?!” Gilbert said when I finally let him go at the bar. “Tell me.” I said while swaying back and forth. “Tell you vat?” “You know what!” giving her a look of insanity, he slowly shook his head “Nein, I don't.” “What is Michiko doing out there with Romano!?” “How am I suppose to know? You dragged me in here remember?” “Yeah, but no.. before I dragged in here! She was talking too him.” “So?” “So, what about!” “Vhy? Are you jealous?” he asked giving me a cocky grin. “No! I know she wouldn't do anything with Romano, I'm just making sure she didn't say anything to him that was personal.” “Like vat?” the cocky smile growing as the conversation continued. “I'm not telling you!” “Vell then I can't tell you vhat she said.” “You don't even know what she said.” “Do you really vhat to risk that chance?” he said his expression darkening. “Well, no...” “Then spill it! Kesesesese~”

After slamming down another beer, he grinned at me. “You and Romano?” “Shuuuuut uuuuupppp!” I moaned out, while I was laid face down on the table. “Vell sucks for you, cause I already knew about that.” My head shot up for the second time that night which I cursed myself for. “How?!” “It's a secret.” “There are no secrets between friends!” “Ja, but we're not really friends... are we?” his grin back. “What will make you talk you bastard?” “Kesesesese~ ladies shouldn't use such language!” “Alright, France!” “Vat do you have to offer?” “Information.” he rose a questioning platinum eyebrow, “Vhat kind?” “Personal.” “On who?” “Who do you want?” “Surprise me.” “What.. what do you mean?” “I mean, talk. Tell me vhat you know.” “I'm not just going to just tell my secrets to you!” “Vell then, I guess ve're done here.” Sliding his chair back, he rose from the table and began to walk to the door. In a quick panic I said something that I swore I never would. “Vhat did you say?” Prussia said as he turned slightly back to me. “Michiko wants you.” “Vants me how?” “In every possible way.” “Really now?” “Yep. Bedroom wise and everything after that.” “You me-” “Yep, marriage too. Which I told her it was fucking impossible with an asshole like you.” “Vhat did I do?!” “You have some serious commitment issues buddy. I keep telling her to not waste time on you, but does she listen to me.. fuck no.” A small smirk spread across his face as he continued to walk away, “Hey! What the hell? Where are you going you fucking jerk?” “Outside.” “But what about our deal?!” “Vhat deal?” he said turning around slightly “The deal, where I tell you something, you tell me something.” “One I never agreed to the deal, you just started talking and didn't stop, so I owe you nothing. But as a good sport I'll leave you with this: There's no secrets between friends kesesesesesesesese~!” and with that he ran out the door, with my cussing after him.

“Where the fuck are you you sneaky little bastard?!” “Rose? Vhat are you doing?” I look harshly over at Ludwig, but softened my gaze. “Looking for your brother, you seen him?” “The last time I saw him he was saying something about Michiko.” “Damn it! I'm never going to find him now.” “Vhy do you need him?” “Stuff.” “Stuff..?” “Stuff.” “Alright...? Vell if it helps, I think I saw him go that way.” Ludwig said pointing down a hallway. “Thank you!” I screamed while stumbling towards my destination. While stumbling down the hall I cursed Gilbert softly, when suddenly I saw Romano. He was glancing up at a painting on the wall, wine glass in hand. Romano Vargas was breathtakingly gorgeous – Not a surprise since he's Italian. His dark brown hair that shinned even in this dim light. His causal clothing fit perfectly against him lean, firm, fit body. I paused to admire him from behind, because damn... the man had a nice behind. It made me quiver just to look at it. After a second I slowly made my way over to him.

- How it happened -

“Hi Romano.” I said quietly, moving to his side and slipping my arm into him. He stiffened at the contact but did move away. “Ciao Rose.” “How are you liking the party?” I ask, taking this time to breath in his scent. “I'm not big on parties, but it's not so bad.” “Oh.” “Are you enjoying it?” “Sorta. I'm mad at Gilbert and he's off hiding.” He turned to me, the harshness on his face vanishing in an instant as if it wasn't even there to begin with. “Mad at the potato bastard for wh-” but his question was cut short by the look in my eyes. They were hazed over with alcohol and lust. The harshness returned as quickly as it went. “Oh I get it.” “Get what?” “Why you're pissed at him.” “You do?” “Shit yeah, it's written all over your face!” “What the fuck are you talking about?!” “Don't play stupid with me. Just because he left you hot and ready doesn't mean I'm picking it up.” My mouth feel agape, was he serious? “You can't be serious...?” “Oh you don't think so? Well sorry, but I'm not screwing you just because he wouldn't.” Walking past me harshly I quickly grabbed a hold of his arm pulling him back to me. “You're so stupid. It's not him that I want.” I said while I slid my hand down his chest, a blatant invitation. I watched as his eyes changed dark brown, to almost black then back to his hazel eyes within a second or two as his own desire flared to match mine. “Oh really now?” he said in a low husky voice that caused my entire body to shiver.

I automatically moved my body towards him, pressing against him and tilting my face towards him. “Not here.” he said, glancing around him. I frowned, he was right. The hallways were no place to do it, but we needed to find some place quick. “We need to find someplace quick before I make a spectacle of myself... and you.” He grabbed my hand and began dragging me threw the crowd, muttering words to cause people to back off. Stepping up to the staircase “Is the limo okay?” The limo? That was all the way across the way outside and I needed him now. “I have a better idea. Tugging him up the staircase , I opened up the first door that I came across... it just so happened to be Alfred's office. “Is one of these yours?” he asked, as his hands slid down to my hips, pushing himself against me, while nibbling on my ear. I nearly lost my breath. My body begged for his touch, and then it clicked, sex now.

“No.” I said as I pulled him inside the office by his collar, locking the door behind us. “Rose, I'm not sure this is a good idea.” he warned. “Alfred won't care.” I said I slipped his shirt over his head, my eyes scanning over his ripped body. “He already thinks we're sleeping with each other anyways.” “What?!” I pushed him up against the dark wood desk that was placed in the center of the room, and nearly moaned when my hips pressed up his. “I can't believe that American asshole thinks that about us.” “his voice was harsh, but his hands continued to roam my body, teasing me. A moan escaped me as I pushed my mouth against him, biting his lower lip in excitement. “Right now,” I said between quick, powerful kisses “he could watch and I wouldn't care less.” All I would think about was the growing erection inside Romano's pants, and how I wanted everything to do with it.

Our mouths locked in a deep, thrusting kiss, and soon the fireworks started to explode behind my eyes. My tongue sliding into his mouth just to taste him, as his hand grasped onto my ass giving it a harsh squeeze. I soon felt his hand slid underneath my skirt, his hands against my bare skin was almost too much to bare. He gave a low groan as his hand landed on my bare ass. “Where's your underwear?” “At home. I didn't want any lines to show.” I said nipping at his mouth, while rotating my hips against his hands. That brought the high headed Italian over the edge. With a fierce grown, he picked me up by my thighs and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Within a few seconds I was plastered onto the wooden desk with Romano's hardness pressed against me in the most amazing way.

His finger reaching up, he slowly pushed my shirt up over my head, kissing and biting every new piece a skin that was now shown. He didn't give me a chance to breath when my bra was soon on the floor with the rest of my clothing. He hot tongue rolling across my harden peaks. My moan filled the room as his fingers made there way to my already wet pussy. He slipped a finger inside, never taking his mouth off my breast. I craned my back as he continued his assault. But it was over as soon as it began. Confused I looked up only to see him kicking off his jeans and pushing up my skirt. My eyes locked onto his cock, my eyes widening at the sight. A cocky smile spread across his face as I looked into his eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me, resting my face in the crook of his neck I felt his tip pressing up against my hot opening. “Romano, please...” I whispered into his ear and he didn't waste anytime. He let out a low hiss, as I dug my finger nails into his back. “Am I hurting you?” I ask as he slowly rocks back and forth, “I should be asking you that.” he said while shaking his head no. I give his a small smile as he continues to thrust faster.

“Romano~ faster!” I moaned out as my back rubbed against the glossed wood. He complied without delay. Picking up to unknowing speed, I let out a light scream as he hoisted my legs over my head. A deep moan escaped Romano as his speed increased as well as his power. My back was rubbing against the desk raw, but I didn't care. This was the best sex I'd ever had, and it was with that guy I loved the most. “Oh God Romano, I'm close.” I panted out as the knot in my stomach tighten. Letting go of my legs, he claimed my lips with his. His thrust were deep and quick. Resting his forehead against mine, he thrusted inside of me hard. I let out a scream of ecstasy as he continued, after about the fifth time the knot in my stomach exploded and all I saw was white. My back craned, my toes curled and all my muscles tightened. Which I guess was too much for Romano, cause right after I came he followed after filling me with his hot seed.

    - How you found out -

“I should kill you.” Michiko said for like the 10th time today. “Look you owe me if anything.” “How!?” “You got what you wanted. Prussia's hooked.” “Yeah but I didn't think he would actually be this... way.” “Are you saying you want him to go away and treat you like everyone else?” “Well, no... bu-” “But nothing! You got him, now deal with him.” a sigh left her mouth as her boyfriend, oddly enough laughed in the other room with Ludwig. “I don't see why you're upset about this...” “It's nothing he's doing, it's what he's not doing.” “Explain.” “I expected him to you, go whore around... I didn't think he could be taken seriously. It's weird for me okay?!” “True, but be glad he's still around. You never know when he's gonna leave.” “Yeah I'm just not gonna get attached.” “Too late.” “I know.” she said hanging her head low. I laugh at her as she got up and went to the kitchen. Gilbert soon stepping out of Ludwig's office,

“Pssst!” Gilbert looking at me, as I motion for him to come closer. “Vhat?” he said as he leaned in close. “What are you up too?” “Vhat are you talking about this time?” he asked while staring blankly at me. “You know what I mean. Why are you still with Michiko? Shouldn't you be out sleeping around with other girls?” His vermillion eyes bored into mine “Vhy do you ask?” “Cause that's just who you are Gilbert. You never stay with girls long, but you've been with Michiko for 3 and half months now and I'm just wondering what's your angle.” “Vhat if I tell you there is no angle?” “Then I'd have to call you a liar.” his head dropped with a annoying sigh. “Then I'm a liar to you.” “So you're actually with her to... be with her?” “Ja.” “But why?! No offense to her, she's not that bad looking... but what the hell man? What makes her so damn special?” he let out a low chuckle as he gaze shifted over to her.

“She vas gone in the morning.” “Huh?!” I asked out of confusion, he let out another sigh while looking at me. “After ve had sex at the party, thanks by the vay, I voke up the next morning to find her gone... and it felt veird.” “How? You should be use to that.” he glared at me before thumping me in the forehead. “Hey!” “I'm saying, since ve vere friends I expected her to stay. But she didn't, and I remembered vhat you said, so I vent looking for her. I finally found her and she told me everything.. and I didn't like vhat I heard. How she saw me, and vat ve had just done.. so I stuck around.” “So you're doing this to prove her wrong? Good job dick.” “Nein! I'm doing it for reasons.” “Like?” “The sex is amazing and I like her.” he said with a cocky smile, “Plus it's just different, and Gilbird loves her! And I can't break that up! Kesesesese~” “Great, keep her around for your bird. You really are shallow huh?” “Fuck you.” “I'm just saying, you hurt her, and I'll have you bombed.” “Sie haben nichts zu befürchten.” “Yeah, whatever.” Gilbert walked over to Michiko, throwing his arms around her waist and kissing her neck affectionately, both of them smiling at each other. I felt like I had nothing to worry about, but it still wouldn't hurt to let Germany know.

As soon as I got up I felt dizzy, also my stomach felt like it was going to explode. I quickly ran to the bathroom, slamming the door in the face of three worried people. “Rose? Are you dying?” Michiko asked from the outside of the door. “Maybe!” I yelled back as I emptied the last bit of content into the toilet. “Slowly the door opened but shut just as quickly. I felt a cold wash cloth hit my forehead and I sighed. “What's wrong?” she asked. “I dunno, I just got sick.” “That's not good.” “No, I feel better.” “Has this happened before?” “Yeah but just in the morning after I eat.” “Anything else?” “Yeah I'm a lot more tired these days.” Her hand dropped as well as the wash rag. “What?” I asked as I saw her digging under the sink, soon I realized what she was hinting at. In her hands was a pregnancy test. “No way.” “Take it.” “No, I've been getting my period.” “You can still have light bleeding even if your pregnant, now pee on the stick!” she said shoving it in my face. “Ugh fine!” I said taking it in my hands, I slowly unwrapped it as I watched her climb into the shower and pull the curtain. “What the hell are you doing?” “Giving you some privacy, duh.” “Get out!” she sighed and walked out.

We sat in silence as we waited for it to decide. “Why do you even have these things?” I ask randomly. “Hello, look at who I'm dating. Plus a few weeks ago we had a scare, so yeah.” “Are you?” “No.” she said biting her lip. I reached over squeezing her hand, she looked up smiling slightly. I smile back, but frown when I heard the timer go off. Slowly we rose as I took the test in my hands, positive. All I could do was smile. I was pregnant and it was Romano's! “Imma kick his tan Italian ass!” Michiko said as she hugged me. I laughed at her harmless threat, “When are you going to tell him?” “Now.”

- How you told him -

The next day I arrived at the home of my boyfriend Romano Vargas aka Southern Italy. I smiled widely as I ran inside not bothering to knock. I ran to where I knew he would be, in the living room laying on his couch. Entering the room I was right, there he was, hands placed behind his head, eyes closed and breathing evenly. I giggled at the sight of him, he was just too damn cute. Quietly, I walked over too making sure not to wake him. When I approached he was still asleep, slowly I straddle him. The slight pressure was enough to wake him up, when our eyes locks the irritation was still there but there was also love. “Hey baby.” “Ciao bella.” “Sleeping well?” “I was.” he said with a slight frown on his face “What do you want?” “I have something to tell you!” “Can't it wait?” he asked closing his eyes again. “No it can't!” “Well too bad it's going to have too.” he said while he placed his hands onto my hips. “Romano! Come on, it's important!” but he didn't budge. Crossing my arm, I pouting I sat there wondering how to go about this. When suddenly it came to me.

I moved his hands and gently landed on top of him. I felt him slowly wrap his arms around me, as I rested my face into the crook of his neck. Looking up, I got a great view of his profile and started to wonder what our baby was going to look like. A sudden feeling of worry hit me as I thought the worst 'What if he doesn't want our baby..?' No. That's insane, of course he'll want to keep our child. He loves me, so he'll love our child. “Hey Romano,” I whisper as he gave a low growl “you better not get use to sleeping so much. Being a father takes a lot of time and dedication.” I felt his arms tighten around my waist, I watch as his eyes slowly open, and blink once, twice, three times then turn to stare at me. His eyes locked with mine, searching for any lies or mischief of any sort, he found none. “Are you serious?” he whispered back, I shake my head lightly, whispering a very quiet “Yes.” He gently pressed his forehead against mine, “I don't know what you're talking about,” I frown a little “I'll be sleeping just fine, you're the woman, you're gonna be the one taking care of it.” a small smile spread across his face as I laughed at his joke.

- Epilogue -

Romano! I need your help in here NOW!” a heavy sigh could be heard from the lazy Italian as he slowly rolled off the couch and headed towards is now fuming wife. Leaning against the door with his arms crossed, Romano glanced down at the trouble, and he couldn't help but smirk. Rose was trying to get their twins ready to go see their Uncle Feli, and it was going all but smoothly. “Bianca! Stop pulling your brothers hair and come over here and put on your shoes! And Bianco please stop antagonizing your sister and come put on your coat!” “Daddy!” Bianca's sweet voice rang out as she clung to his leg lovingly. Gently picking up the small child, he took in her features, and smiled to himself has she resembled her mother. “About damn time you woke up..” Rose muttered under her breath as she helped Bianco put his coat on.

I'm sorry il mio amore. But I'm not too thrilled with them going to see that idiot brother of mine and that damn potato bastard.” Romano gulped at the sight of his wife, her eyes narrowed, her face turned red and she looked like she was gonna rip his head off. “Uh oh, daddy goofed!” Bianco said has he grinned an evil grin, which oddly enough resembled Romano's to a T. “Help, now.” the order was short and sweet which meant Romano shouldn't push any further, and he didn't. Helping his daughter with her shoes, he smiled as she gave him a quick peak on the cheek and ran straight for her mom. Romano couldn't be upset over the fact that Feli was going to be taking care of his kids for a weekend, I mean he did have Ludwig there ever if he disliked the guy he knew the German was responsible. Walking up to Rose he grabbed her chin and gave her a short but powerful kiss. Dazed at the action she just stared up at him as he said the words he rarely said to anyone, even her. “Ti amo.” Her heart swelled up and began beating like it did when they were younger. I bright smile slide across her face as she laced her fingers with his, whispering “Ich liebe dich auch.” into his ear and dragging him to the car.

Hope you enjoyed it! If any of you are wanting a request, just send me an email (:

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Shino Aburame | Ice Skating

Character: Shino Aburame

Fandom: Naruto

OC: Rose Suzuki (mrl19;whiterose24)long dark brown hair (midsection of back), brown eyes, cream colored skin

Theme: Ice skating

Added Info: Has an 18 year old brother named Bryson; he is nice sometimes, short tempered, and he cares for his sisters feelings and is willing to protect her from any guy that hurts her.

Another sigh left my lips as a gaze lazily at the TV. There was nothing to do today, or for the next couple of the weeks for that matter. Lady Tsunade thought as a good Christmas gift to all the ninjas, she would give them a few weeks off. Staring the week of Christmas and going into January. I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining about the break, it's just.. there is nothing to do! Nothing. Not a damn thing. It's like every single Village in the world took a break, and for once there was peace. With was kinda eerie, but eh. Rolling my eyes away from the TV, I look out the window. Grey skies as far as my brown eyes could see, “More snow.” I said to myself. Switching the TV off, I push myself off the couch, throwing my coat on, I look at the clock.. 1:39 PM. “Bryson!” I call into the silent house, “Yeah?” my little brother yells out from his room. “I'm going out shopping before another snow storm comes, you wanna go? If not, do you want me to pick up anything for you?” I heard a ruckus as his door swings open, reveling my little brother. “Yeah I'll go, just lemme get ready.” “Alright, just hurry, we only have a few hours before the snow falls.” “Alright, alright.” he says shutting his door. About 5 minutes later he comes out, a heavy coat on. “Ready?” “Mhmm.” he says. Opening the door we walk out into the cold air, hearing the door shut behind us both.

You know I expected the streets to be busy, but not this busy! Rolling my eyes at my brother he soon lowered his temper. “Bryson, lighten up.” “But everyone keeps bumping me!” his slight outburst caused a few people to back off which only make me grin up at him. “Please? The less your temper flares up the more likely we are to get all this stuff done.” “Fine. But if it gets too intense I'm not responsible for my actions or the damage that is done.” shaking my head slightly “Whatever.” walking away from everything we finally arrived at the market. “Finally.” Bryson said sighing. “Alright, here. You get all the stuff on this half of the list and I'll get the rest.” I said tearing the paper in half. “Deal. I'll meet you back here after I'm done.” “Okay.” with that, I watched my brother disappear in the crowd. Picking up a basket, I start on my half of the list; bread, milk, eggs, junk food.. you know.. the usual. After about an hour later I was done with all the shopping, letting out a sigh of relief I pay the last stand, giving them a casual smile. Turning to walk away, I bump into someone I stumble forward, catching myself and my groceries I turn slightly only to gasp. “Mr. Aburame! Oh I'm so sorry! I was in such a rush to get home I wasn't watching were I was going.” Shibi Aburame was just standing there, staring at me.. well, at least I hope so otherwise this is going to be really awkward. “Hn, it's alright.” I let out a sigh of relief, “Thank you sir. Again, my apologize.” giving him a bow, I rush away. “Holy shit..” I say once out of his hearing range, “Could he and Shino look anymore alike?!”

“I'm guessing you're referring to Shino, Suzuki?” I let out a light gasp only for it to be turned into a playful scowl. “Ease dropping Michiko?” “Of course not. I just happened to standing here when you ran this way talking about Shino and his look a like which I can only assume is Shibi.” “You catch on quick.” I say rolling my eyes, only to earn a smirk from my friend. “Naturally. So, I'm guessing you bumped into “the pride of Aburame” himself?” she questioned while kicking off the wall she was leaning against. “Mhmm, ran right into him. But I didn't fall so that was a plus.” “Well, you've always been the more graceful one.” I laugh lightly at her complement, “So what are you doing here?” “Can I not travel?” “It's odd... you're almost as lazy as Nara.” “Yeah, the almost is what sets us apart. I dunno, I just got restless...” “Restless? About what?” I saw my friends head fall slightly, “Shikamaru.” “What? What's wrong?” “Us.” my eyes widen at this, “Whaaa?! What do you mean 'Us'? I thought everything is fine with you guys.” “I did too, but he's been distant lately. I honestly don't know what to do about it.” “Wait, wait a minute. What's been going on lately?” “I know what's bothering him. It's the death of Asuma-sensei, but he refuses to talk to me about it. Hell, whenever I even mention it he just walks away or tells me to go away. But even then, he really won't let me touch him or get close to him.. I honestly don't know what to do.” I looked onto her sad face, she truly was heart broken. It hurt to know that she was going through this, her and Shika were perfect for each other but even the perfect relationship has its faults. “I mean don't get me wrong, I love him to death... but how am I suppose to know how he feels if he doesn't want me around. How does he expect me to stay if this is how I'm going to get treated? Yes I understand, his sensei died. But he's not the only one who is suffering, Asuma had a nephew, Konohamaru and he's pretty upset about it too.” “You're not thinking of leaving him are you?” I asked her, getting more worried as the conversation kept going. “It's passed my mind a few times...” “Michiko!” “What?” “No, you would regret. You know you would, it took you forever to actually tell him how you felt about him, I know you really don't want to throw it all away. He needs you more than ever, even if he isn't showing it. If you want I can get Bryson to talk to him about it.” “Eh, Shika's a smart guy, I was kinda hoping he would see it on his own.” “Yeah, only problem is he's Shikamaru Nara. He's dense when it comes to women.” Michiko let out a laugh, shaking her head in agreement “True.” “So, tell Bryson to talk to Lazy boy?” “I suppose it wouldn't hurt.” she said casting her golden hazel eyes to the sky.

“Yo! Rose!” both of us turning our heads to the direction of the voice. “Well speak of the devil.” Michiko said when her gaze spotted my brother running towards us. “Hey Bryson.” I said once my brother reached me. “Did you get everything on the list?” “Yep.” he answered out of breath, “Out of shape there buddy?” Michiko said lighting up a smoke “So says the girl giving herself cancer.” rolling her eyes, his gaze shifted back to me. “Alright, so lets head home before the snow starts.” “Umm, yeah.. about that...” I raise an eyebrow at him “What now?” “Well, the guys kinda wanna hang... sooo, yeah.” “So what? You can't help your sister with the groceries and then go off with your friends?” I ask, my temper flaring up. “It's not that, it's just, I'm here and so are they..” “HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO CARRY ALL THIS FOOD HOME YOU BAKA!?!” I scream out at him. Honestly! The nerve of some men, “I-I..” “Oh Jesus, I'll do it.” Michiko said taking the bags out of my brothers hands. “Really? You don't mind?” Bryson asked her, “No. It's better this way. Gives me and your sister girl time, right?” she said turning to me, flashing a grin. “Yeah, sure.” I said, my temper dying down. “Alright, awesome! Thanks Michiko, I'll see you later Rose. Love you!” he said as he started walking away, only to be pulled back by me. “UCK!” I grin at the sound of him chocking, “Jezz, what was that for?!” he yelled out. “You have to do Michiko a favor before you go.” I say, not caring about his attitude. “Alright, what is it?” he said rubbing his Adam's apple. “You need to talk to Shika for her.” “Why? What's the lazy ass done now?” “More like what isn't he doing.” “Alright, what 'isn't' he doing?” “He's been distant. Yes, we know that the death of Asuma-sensei was devastating but that doesn't give him the right to ignore or treat his girlfriend like crap.” Bryson and Rose exchange glances before he nods his head, “Yeah, you're right. That's not fair, I'll talk to him about it.. okay?” “Alright. Now go have fun.” Before I could blink my brother was gone, “Showoff.” Michiko giggling, “Come on.”

“So yeah, that's how my Kekkei Genkai works.” “Wow, that's rough Michiko.” “Mhmm. Oh fantastic.” Michiko said stopping dead in her tracks, I look at what she was staring at and what I saw made my blood boil. Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka, the Sasuke fan-girls. “Them.” I hissed, “Easy there killer.” Michiko said, placing a hand on my shoulder “Maybe they will just ignore us and carry on with whatever it is they do...?” she said, adding more of a question at the end due to the fact that we have no clue what it is that they do.. other than obsess over Sasuke Uchiha. Letting out a frustrated sigh, I continue to walk. The closer I got, the more I would twitch at the sound of their voices. “Ah! Kill it! KILL IT!” “No! You kill it! I'm sure your forehead will due the trick!” “Shut up Ino-PIG! I surprised it hasn't died from the sight of you!” “Why you little- ROSE! MICHIKO!” “Damn it.” Michiko whispered out, “Fuck.” I say before they got close enough to hear. “What?” I say through gritted teeth, “We need your help! Both of you.” “Oh God, what?” Michiko said rolling her eyes, a cloud of smoke escaping through her nose. “We need you guys to kill that!” both their screams, causing us to cringe. “What is it?” I ask, more annoyed than ever. “It's disgusting is what it is!” “Yeah that's descriptive.” I say sarcasm, clear in my voice. Both the girls, placing their hands on their hips, “Look, we didn't do anything to deserve the 'tude!” “Oh you did more than you know.” I say with a grin on my face, “Ugh, like what?!” I was about to go off when a loud gasp caught my attention, “NOPE! Rose, this is all yours!” “What?” “Spider. That's what they're talking about, you're gonna have to get it.” I sigh, but walk over to it. It was a beautiful Writing Spider, just sitting on her web in the corner of the flower shop. “Oh wow, she's beautiful.” I say getting right up at it, “Yeah gorgeous, can you just do your thing, so we can get going? These bags weigh a ton.” “Yeah just gimme a second.” reaching my hand out, I lightly push her back end, guiding her to my hand. Within seconds, she was resting in my palm. “That.. is the scariest thing I have ever seen.” Michiko said, before she put out her smoke. “Oh my GOD! KILL IT!” Ino screamed out while pointing at it. “AHHH! OH GOD! PLEASE KILL IT! I wish Sasuke was here, he would protect me!” “You? HA! More like me. Everyone knows he adores me.. he just pities you.” “Oh yeah right, like he could ever love a Pig like you!” before Ino could say another word I placed the spider right in between them “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” both their screams of terror and fear was like music to my ears. “KILL IT NOW!” Ino said while trying to slap at it, “STOP IT!” I scream out, I hear Michiko whistle away as I look at the two idiots. “I'm not going to just kill it just because you two are little bitches. This spider deserves to live as much as you or I or hell anyone for that matter! Do you know what would happen if every insect you were afraid of died? The world would be destroyed! Life on this planet would not exists for the fact that the animals that eat the bugs would die, then the animals that eat other animals would die and eventually we would all parish! So think twice before you go stepping on bugs that are an inconvenience for you, you ignorant bitches!” shaking with rage, I stomp off, leaving the two ditzes stunned. “Feel better?” Michiko asked, suddenly appearing next to me. “Ugh, they are so annoying.” “Well, they had it coming. I don't like bugs, but thanks to you I don't squish them anymore. Unless it's a spider, then I cry until Shika removes it.” she confesses as we both share a laugh.

“There you go.” I say as I place the spider right next to my porch light. “Oh great, now I have to greet the spider every time I come over.” “You don't have too.” “Oh yes I do! Other wise it'll send troops to my house to bite the shit out of me.” I laugh at her thoughts, “Right... you do know that the Writing Spider isn't dangerous to humans.” “Says you!” “No really. Sure it has fangs, but it's only deadly to it's prey. The most you would get is a slight rash.” “I would rather be rash free, thank you very much.” I laugh again at her, “You're silly.” “Silly, but wise my friend.” “So, she won't die due to the cold?” “I don't think so, cause of the porch light. But if so, she can always craw into that space up there.” I say pointing to a covering of my house. “Great, she'll be in the walls.. creepin.” “Oh hush!” I say playfully smacking her. “So, what are you doing today?” I ask, shutting the door. “Ice-skating with Naruto.” “What?” I ask laughing “Yeah, he asked me to go so I said yeah. Might as well, nothing better to do.” “Mind if I come?” “Not at all.” she says, yawning. “It's like hanging out with Shika.” chuckling, she gets up. “Better get going. I told him I'd be there at 3, it's 2:45 now.” “Alright!”

“FINALLY!” Naruto said at our arrival. “What? We're 2 minutes late!” I yell out to him while he skates towards us. “Yeah, that's two minutes you guys didn't spend with me and kept me waiting!” “Oh grow up.” Michiko said while lacing up her shoes. “What is that suppose to mean!?” “What it sounded like.” she said while stepping onto the ice. I watch as they chased each other around, laughing when Naruto fell trying to give a cheap shot. Finally laced up my shoes, I step onto the ice. “Well come on!” they yell as a skate towards them. Having a blast just chasing each other and goofing off, the smiles never left our faces. It wasn't long before our laughter and screams caught the attention of the other ninjas. “Come on Hinata, nothing bad's gonna happen. Trust us!” “I-I don't know.” she said, her voice as quite as the wind. “Look, think of it this way, if it can hold Naruto's fat, ramen loving ass it can hold anything.” “HEY!” we all share a laugh at the now raging blonde ninja. “Aw, lighten up.” Kiba said while placing Naruto in a head lock. “Get off me dog boy!” Naruto yelled with a shove, which soon escalated to play fight between the two. “Boys.” Temari said under her breath as we skated to where Hinata was stalling. “Alright woman, get on the ice.” Temari ordered, with folded arms. She let out a gentle groan but stepped onto the ice, grabbing a hold of Michiko and I. “See, its not so bad.” I say with an encouraging grin, “Yeah I suppose.” My eyes never leaving Hinata's feet, for one bad move and we could all be in some serious trouble. “Well, I'll be damned.” Michiko said suddenly, which made me glance at her. Her eyes were fixated behind her which made me uncomfortable. “What is it?” I said trying to glance in her direction but failing. “It's your Romeo.” she said with a wink, I couldn't help but blush. “Shut up.” “Never. And must I say.. he looks different today.” “What do you mean?” “I don't know... there's just something about him, he seems edgy.” “No way. Shino?” “Impossible. Shino is one of the most collected ninja's I know.” Hinata said lightly letting us go. “Take a look for yourself.” We all turn to glance at him and sure enough, there he was just staring in our direction. But there was something off about him, a different aura... a darker aura. I wave care-freely at him, only to get a ghostly smirk. “Holy shit. Did he just smirk?” Michiko said astonished. “Yeah, yeah I think he did.” I said turning away blushing. But just as I turn, a quick yell was heard and then cold, hard ice.

“NARUTO! KIBA! YOU JACKASSES!” I scream as I try and wrestle them off of me and Hinata. The sound of Michiko's laugh only angered me more. “We're sorry! We didn-” “OH JUST SHUT UP AND GET OFF ME!” I scream throwing a quick elbow to Kiba's face as his hand 'slipped' onto my ass, giving it a not so gentle squeeze. “HANDS. OFF.” “It was an accident, damn!” Kiba said rubbing the side of his face, “Accident my ass, literally!” with that I tried to stand but was helped up by my little brother. “Nice fall.” “You wanna feel how hard I can hit?” “No.” he said with a grin “I already know, it's not something I wanna feel more than twice a day.” blowing a piece of hair out of my face, I turn to my so called friend “And where were you!?” her lazy hazel eyes just stared as I kept fuming. “Well!?” “I saw that coming a mile away Juliet.” “Thanks for the warning.” I say through gritted teeth. “Whoa now, you're normally the one who sees it before I do. So don't go blaming me just because you decided to keep your gaze fixed on semi tall, pale and collected.” I grunt and wipe the melting snow off my body. 'Shit, Shino must have seen everything. Damn it!' the thought racing through my head. “Yo, Michiko.” a lazy voice said from across frozen lake, we all turn to see Shikamaru standing next to Shino, raising a lazy hand toward her. “Yeah?” his hand soon turning into a gesturing motion, signaling her to come to him. “Words mean so little to that man.” “But you love him.” I say with a forced grin, “God knows I do. Be back.” and with that she skated towards him. “Don't worry, he's going to fix everything.” Bryson stated while skating around me, “And by fix you mean...?” “Apologize and make it up to her.” “Wow, you work wonders.” “Eh, it's what I do.” he says with a cocky grin “You have been hanging out with Kiba and Kankurō wwaayy too much.” I say laughing at his pissed expression. Skating away my brother didn't bother to stop me, he just watched as I made it over to the bench. Sitting down, I watched everyone else skate, but not without taking quick glances at Shikamaru and Michiko. “Those two fighting?” a deep voice asked making me jump. I turn only to find Shino standing next to the bench. “Yeah.” “Hn.” Silence filled the air, until curiosity got the better, “Why?” he asked still looking forward. “Oh, umm.. well because Shikamaru has been distant these past few months due to the death of Asuma-sensei and its been kinda pushing Michiko to the breaking point.” more silence filled the air, “But they don't seem to be fighting. They seem to be getting along quite well.” He said, now looking at me. I swallow “That's because Shikamaru is apologizing for being an ass, neglecting her and for treating her unfairly.” “Ah. So, really they're not fighting. They are more so talking.” “I suppose so, and you know you can sit down.” I say, grinning up at him. Slowly but surely he sat down next to me, never removing his hands from his pockets. “So how have you been?” I ask, generally curious. “Fine, been keeping your brother out of trouble.” I sigh, “What has he done now?” “He has a temper that is easily flared. I think you can figure out the rest.” “Oh that, yeah his temper can get pretty bad.” “So can yours.” he said in that monotone way. I lowered my head, a heavy blush covering my face “Oh, so you saw that?” “Only bits and pieces. Shikamaru came and distracted me during it.” I glance up at him. “Well what all did you see?” “You all colliding, and then Kiba flying across the ice and you screaming at him.” I let out an aggravated sigh, “He got hit because he grabbed my ass, when he was trying to get up.” Shino's eyebrow raised “What?” “Yeah, the mutt grabbed my ass thinking I just would assume it was him 'trying' to get up.” “How do you know it wasn't an accident?” I turn to him, eyes narrow “Because I know Kiba, you know Kiba! It wasn't an accident, he could have easily dug his claws into the ice and hoisted himself up, but he didn't. He used my ass for leverage, and not very gently if I may add.” I finished, glaring at the dog boy at he skated by, throwing me a wink. “He just adds to my day..” “Hum?” “What?” “Your day. What made your day so terrible? I will be listening.” I sigh and explain to him all the unfortunate details of my day.

“Ino and Sakura have no idea how valuable bugs actually are.” “I know, stupid bitches.” another ghostly smirk spread across Shino's lips which sent a shiver down my spine. “I still can't believe a writing spider is still living, even in these cold temperatures.” “Do you want to see her?” Shino turning his face to me, even though he was wearing sunglasses I could tell he was looking directly into my eyes. “Yes.” “Awesome!” I cheer out which caused him to raise another eyebrow. “Umm, yeah. Follow me.” I say bolting up, only to stop. “I see Michiko and Shikamaru made up.” “How do you know?” “Because, they are both gone. Also we didn't hear any yelling which can only mean that Shikamaru manned up and is making it up to her.” “And how do you think he's doing that?” “How do you think?” I say throwing him a grin “Laziest ninja in the village knows how to get stuff done.” “Smartest ninja. Can't forget that.” “True.” and with that we set off to my place. “Well there she is.” I say pointing to her, as she sat in her hole. I watched as Shino jumped up and pushed her gently into his hand, “She's dying.” he said somewhat sadly. “What? No...” “I'm afraid so, it's too cold out here.” “Well can't you take care of her?” “What?” “Yeah, don't you have some special housing for bugs that can't survive in winter?” “Yes, but she won't make it there in time. She needs to warm up first.” “Okay, then bring her inside.” and with that I open the door and tug him inside. “Wait here.” he stood there in the hallway as a race to my room and grab an old insect carrier. “Here, put her in this.” I say handing him the open container. He gently placed her inside, while I shut the lid. We watched as she quickly crawled to a ledge and sat. Placing her gently on the shelf “She should be warming up soon, don't you th-” but I was cut off by Shino's demanding lips.

I instantly react. Kissing back with just as much force, I ran my hands through his soft dark hair, lightly tugging at it as I reach the ends. Earning a low groan, only made me pull harder. Tugging him away I instantly attack his neck; biting and kissing every little inch of flesh I could reach. His low moans filling my ears as I run my tongue over his jugular, biting it gently I felt him stiffen under my touch. Without warning I was lifted off the ground only to have my legs wrapped around his waist and walked towards my room, never once did I give up my assault on him. Walking into my room, I was tossed onto the bed. My eyes wondered up to Shino, his handsome face hidden behind his collar, his baggy shirt hiding his body and his eyes, also hidden from the world. Could he be any more mysterious? Taking in his body, a wicked grin came across my face. Reaching out, I run my fingers along the buttons on his shirt. Before he could react his shirt was undone, pushing his shirt and jacket to the floor. My hand freely running across his sculpted chest, dragging my nails gently. A slight shiver was felt, as he didn't take his eyes off my face. Leaning up I place a kiss on his lips, but quickly move to his jaw, placing another one, then his neck, attacking it as my hands continued to travel south. My kisses soon followed my actions and started going lower, my lips touching his hot skin has my fingers grasp his waist.. but my hands were stopped. I look up, thinking I did something wrong only to see that ghostly smirk “Not yet. Why you may ask? Because we have plenty of time.” and with that my top was ripped in two and disregarded to the floor. “I thought you said we had plenty of time?” “Evening the playing fields.” before I could retort I was pushed on my back with Shino towering over me. His lips nibbling at my skin, causing me to shutter. A low moan leaving my throat as his hand slowly ran across my chest, causing him to give it a sudden squeeze. I watch as his hand slowly began to travel south, caressing my stomach, circling my hips, only to grab a hold of my pants giving them a quick tug upward. Hissing at the pleasurable friction, he quickly let go and brought the attention back to my chest. Running small circles over my covered nipples, making them hard and sensitive to his touch. A small whisper of his name made him smirk and before I knew it my bra was in his hands.

“How th- mmmm!” His hot mouth didn't waste anytime as he took my nipple. Rolling his tongue across it, biting it gently as his other hand sweetly abused the other. Squeezing and rolling it around, but soon giving it the same punishment as the other. Tossing my head back I couldn't just let him have all the fun, I roughly thrust my hips into his. A low growl was heard as his met back with equal force, grinding his semi hardened dick onto my wet pussy. “Mmm Shino..” was all that was heard as he quickly pulled down my pants and underwear, exposing myself to him. I quickly try and shut my legs but his hands kept them slightly apart. Laying light kisses on my knees, I slowly relax allowing him to part my legs. I watch as he lightly sent kisses down my thighs, getting ever so closer to my core. I shutter as his breath hit my clit, his lips placing a kiss at the top of my pussy just made me want more. Watching as he descended back down, I grab his arm causing him to look up. Quickly I reach out and take off his glasses revealing his dark brown eyes. A more noticeable smirk was shown on his face as he quickly ran his tongue over my folds. Gripping the sheets, I whimper as he continued his assault. His tongue running up and down, circling and sucking on my clit made my moans louder, nearly holding back a sudden scream when he shoved his tongue inside me, rolling it around. Leaving no crevice untouched or unnoticed. Slowly he returned his tongue, only to replace it with two fingers.

“Oh God, Shino..” I pant out as he thrusted, running his tongue over my folds. A small knot slowly began to grow in my lower stomach, he must have felt the sudden tightness cause suddenly he stopped. Removing his mouth, but leaving his fingers, he towered over me. His eyes taking me in as I pant because of him, reaching down he gave me a kiss, shoving his tongue inside. The taste of me still lingering on his lips, moaning in his mouth has he thrusted a few more times before pulling out. Before he could do anything else I shove him back causing him to lay down. He watched as I tore his pants and boxers away, releasing his dick from it's confinement. My eyes widen slightly as I took him in, there was his dick, swollen and standing proudly. Grasping the base, I slowly run my tongue up the shaft to the tip were I swirl my tongue around the tip. I take him slowly in my mouth, making sure to get every inch of him possible. I could see the bed sheets lighten out of the corner of my eye, which only made me quicken my actions. Running my mouth back up, I quickly went back down, taking as much in as possible every time, only this time I earned a moan. I continued my punishment, never letting him take a break. I listened as his breath quickened and as my name was moaned past his gorgeous lips. Soon I added my hand, sucking and jacking him off at the same time. His hips bucking wildly as his climax neared, when I felt his body tense I pulled away, earning a grunt of disapproval. “Payback.” was all I said before I climbed back up to him, straddling his chest. His panting form was flawless; milky skin, toned body, stunning deep brown eyes, amazing strength. Running my hand through his hair, he placed his hands on my hips and pulled me up. Lowering me on his face, giving me a quick act of punishment for then I was tossed down and he was now between my legs. “Ready?” he asked his eyes showing a mixture of love and lust.. a deadly combination. Reaching up, I pull him closer to me. Wrapping my arms around his neck, “Yes.” I whisper in his ear.

Whimpering as I felt him push his cock inside me, my nails digging into his back, but he must have ignored the pain cause he showed no sign of discomfort. Slowly he rocked back and forth, letting me get use to his size. No I wasn't a virgin, but I didn't just randomly sleep around and Shino could tell. His breath was jagged and he would let a small hiss out when he pushed back inside me. His pace soon quickened, erasing my pain completely, “Nauh Shino!” I screamed out as my hands were pinned above my head and he slammed into me. “Mmm Rose, ahh..” The sound of skin smacking together and moans filled the room as he continued he deep thrusting. Hoisting my legs over his shoulders, I nearly lost it. Slamming past my G-spot, made the knot in my stomach grow tighter. “Oh God, Shino... please don't stop.” “I don't plan on it.” he said as he released my hands, removing my legs, gripping my hips and began ramming into me. The pain was mind blowing, my breath soon became hitched as I could feel my climax getting closer. “Nagah! Shino I'm almost there!” his panting and clenching made it known that he was getting close as well. “Gah, Rose.. mmm..” his jaw clenched, as the knot in my stomach exploded. “Nah, Shinooo!” I screamed out, my back craning as all I saw was white. My already tight walls being too much to handle as Shino lost it, filling me with his hot seed. Holding himself up above me, I watch as he trembled. I pull him down on top of me, and hold him. Our jagged breathing, and trembling bodies mingled as one. Letting another moan escape as I felt him pull out. Slowly he began to raise, “Don't leave, please?” I say to him with begging eyes. Grasping my chin, he gave me a gentle kiss. “I'm not going to leave. You know why? Because I love you Rose Suzuki.” a smile spread across my face as he crawled underneath the blankets of my bed. I crawl to him, snuggling underneath the blankets and curling up to his chest. “I love you too Shino.” “I know. Why you ask? Well, your brother has a big mouth.” I giggle lightly as his arm wraps around my small frame and we fall fast asleep into each other arms.