Monday, December 27, 2010

Kakashi Hatake | Snow Ball Fight

Your guy: Hatake Kakashi
Your name: Mayumi Tochigi (neonconverse17)

*DIG* I look up towards the kitchen and notice that my cookies are done. A bright smile sweeps across my face, as I place my book on the table and rush to those little goodies. Pulling the pan of hot chocolate chip cookies out of the oven I begin to place them of the cooking rank while thinking the annoying question of what to get everyone for Christmas. “Well, I could just go out and check the stores while the cookies are cooling.” I grab my coat (shoving a cooking in my mouth ignoring the heat of it) and make my way into the heart of Konoha. As I walk down the streets of Konoha trying to think over the roar of the town I kept asking myself what to get my little siblings for Christmas. “I don't want to get them something they'll hate, but jezz what do I get them?” I asked myself out loud, I kinda knew no one would notice due to the fact that, well.. it's Christmas.. and people are going bat-shit mental so talking out loud is really no big deal. “Humm, maybe so clothes and ninja gear..?” I question as I notice some cute things in the store, “Or maybe some new toys..” as the opinions raced through my head, I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes on me. I slowly turn around, trying to not make it look obvious but see no one but busy streets. “Hum, I could have sworn..” “HEY MAYUMI!” the voice knocks me out of my trace and notice a very energetic Naruto running up towards me. I smile, and wave at the blonde boy and his spirit, he's always so happy. “Evening Naruto, what brings you to the heart of Konoha?” “Hey Mayumi-chan! Just doing a little Christmas shopping, what about you?” I sighed remembering what I was doing “Oh, same. Trying to figure out what to get my younger siblings.” “Oh, why not ask them?” “Naruto! That's not fun! I want to surprise them, not give hints away.” “Ah, I see. Well, I think that they'll love what ever you get them May-chan!” I chuckle at his ways, always so positive. “You're right Naruto! My siblings will love whatever I get them. So, who all are you shopping for?” I notice a blush on Naruto's cheeks “Um.. a friend.” “A friend you say?” “Yeah!” “May I ask who this friend is?” I ask getting closer, with a wide smile on my face. “Just a friend! Quit asking okay?!” I laugh at his uncomfortableness “Alright Naruto-kun, I'll back off. Is the 'girl' all you're buying for?” “NO, I bought all my friends a gift.” “Oh really?” “Yeah, that includes YOU!” I glance at him wide-eyed for a second but gain my composer “Really?! Looks like I'm going to have to buy you a gift now.” “YOU DIDN'T GET ME ONE?!” laughing at his face, always happy.. but a slight hot head. “Calm down, I got you a gift!” “What did you get me?” he asks while smiling “Can't tell you.” “Aww! Come on May-chan!” “Nope, you'll have to wait.” “Alright, fine. Well I better get going, gotta buy for Kakashi-sensei and for a few others. See ya!” My heart stopped at Kakashi's name, as I waved good bye to Naruto, I now had another question in my mind.. 'What do I get for Kakashi?' 

As the afternoon passes by, shopping bags in each hand my stomach decides to tell me to eat, I enter a diner and notice none other than Kakashi. My heart stops again, I watch him as he just sits there looking out the window. 'Where is his book?!' I ask myself, “Ma'am, just one?” I snap out of it “Excuse me, what did you say?” she smiles and repeats the question “Oh, yes.” I smile back as she walks me toward Kakashi. He looks over towards us approaching, I smile at him and he waves slightly, smirking under his mask. “Evening Mayumi. How are you?” “Good Kakashi, and yourself?” “I can't really complain. Did you have fun shopping?” he asks while smirking, I smile in response, “Younger siblings.” “Ah, explains. Would you like to join me Mayumi?” I smile brightly, and answer with a slight nod. “Um, Miss? I'll be joining him.” “Alright!” the waitress smiles warmly. I slide into the opposite side of the table, the waitress taking our orders and is off to do what she has to do. I look over at Kakashi to see him looking directly into my eyes, I freeze and smile due to the pressure, “So, Mayumi, how have you been lately? I haven't spoken to you in about I say a week or so.” I finally breath and grin “I've been doing fine. Just a lot of missions, and relaxing on my days off. Which isn't so bad, money is good around this time.” “Agreed. Are you finished with all your shopping?” “Not quite.” “Oh, who else do you have?” Shit. I don't want him to know I'm buying for him! He might take it the wrong way, or something.. I better think fast.. “Umm, just a few more friends. What about you?” “All done.” “Wow, Kakashi, I'm surprised!” “Really? Why is that?” he asks with a smirk “Well, with you and your reading I didn't think you'd do it till last minute.” I retort with an equal smirk “Well, I suppose I'm full of surprises.” “Indeed, speaking of book... where's yours?” “Oh... I finished it, and have re read it so many times I could re site it all in my head. But the new one is sold out in stores, so I'm book less until so.” just then a light bulb went off in my head “So the book is sold out in Konoha?” “Yes.” “Wow.. maybe someone will give it to you for Christmas.” “Maybe, but I'm not expecting it.” I chuckle, so humble and amazing. “Well, that's good. Better to just enjoy what you get, than to expect and be disappointed.” “Mhmm.” Kakashi says with a smile behind his mask, and a light in his visible eye. As we stare at each other I can't help but feel thrilled and terrified at the same time, no man has ever made me feel this way. I want this to be the best Christmas for him, or at least try. As the meal went on we sat and ate having pleasant conversations with one another and just enjoying each others company.. at least I was. “Is this check separate or together?” our waitress asked us before I could say anything the word “Together.” rang through my ears. “Kakashi, are you sure?” “Yeah.” As he payed for dinner, and walked me out side, I notice no stars are out. “Hn, no stars.” “They're calling for snow tomorrow. Here let me get those for you.” “Really? Oh, how awesome, and you don't have too.” “I want too, and you enjoy snow?” “Mhmm!” Kakashi chuckles at your childish ways, “Very cute Mayumi.” 'Did he just say cute?!' “What is Kakashi-san?” “You.” he says grinning at you. “Oh, well thank you!” I say giggling. “May I walk you home?” “I would like that.” We walk back to my place in comfortable silence, just listening to the sounds around us, enjoying the mood. “Well, this is my place.” “Very nice.” “Thank you very much, and thank you for dinner Kakashi. It was great.” “You're welcome, and thank you for joining me.” “You're welcome.” “Good night Mayumi.” “Good night Kakashi.” he hands me my things, and waits for me to walk in and begins to walk back towards his place. Locking my door I slide down it and smile brightly “He is amazing, I must find that book.” 

The next morning I woke up wrapped all my gifts and set out to deliver my siblings gifts to them. 'I feel like Saint Nick.' I think to myself while chuckling only to be interrupted by Kotetsu and Izumo. “You know laughing and talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity.” I gaze back at them “Oh really? Is that a bad thing?” “Depends, are you the good insane.. or the bad insane?” “I suppose I'm a mixture.” they laugh at the answer “Alright, take care. We'll see you when you get back.” “I'll be back later tomorrow sometime. Oh and one more thing.” “What's that?” “I thought the insane ones where the best ones in bed? So how can it be a bad thing either way?” As I watch them smirk I couldn't help but laugh, “Just some food for thought boys!” I walk through the gates and make my way to the village where my family was. After about three hours I made it to the village, making my way through the town I notice a book store, “Maybe they have his book.” I walk in and go up to the counter. “Um, excuse me?” “Yes ma'am! How may I help you this beautiful evening?” “I was wondering if you guys had the new 'Icha Icha' in stock?” as the older man looked at me, I realized what I asked, and how it sounded. But oh well, it's just a book. “Let me check.” as he types it in the computer, he glances over at me. 'Is he checking me out?! Oh dear God...' “Well Miss, we're sold out right now.. but we have a shipment coming in tomorrow morning.” “Really?! Can I place a hold on one?!” “Yes you may. Just pay for it now and you can pick it up tomorrow morning bright and early.” “Oh my God, thank you so much! He's going to love this gift!” “He? Boyfriend?” “Hum, oh.. no. Just a friend.” “Well he's a lucky man.” I couldn't help but blush, I paid for the book and grabbed the order paper, I rushed out the door to my Grandmothers house. “Merry Christmas you guys!” “Oh dear! You made it!” my grandmother said while hugging me. “Of course I did! But I have to leave early tomorrow morning, alright.” “Of course! I'm just glad that you came. Kids! May-chan is here!” I hear the stomping of feet from my sibling as they run down the stairs and glomp me. “MERRY CHRISTMAS MAYUMI-CHAN! WE'VE MISSED YOU!” “I missed you guys too. I have your gifts here with me, but you can't open them until later, deal.” “DEAL!” “Grandma, do you need help with anything?” “No dear, not yet. Maybe later with dinner.” “Alright!” 

As the day passed by with all the games, sweets, and jokes my mind couldn't help but wonder to Kakashi. I miss him, and I just saw him yesterday. I get up to go get some more treats since my siblings love them so much, I look out the window and notice it's snowing. “Yes!” I scream while jumping up and down “What?!” “It's snowing!” the kids roared and rushed to get dressed. We all played outside for a good two hours until it was time to start dinner. Fixing them hot chocolate and setting the down I go into the kitchen and help grandma. “So, how's Konoha?” “It's good. How are things here?” “Fine dear. How are things with you and Kakashi?” “What do you mean?” “Well, you've liked him for a long time sweetie..” “And?” “Are you ever going to tell him?” “I don't know.” “Well why not?! You're amazing! I bet you would make him the luckiest man in the world!” “Grandma.. I don't want to ruin our relationship now.” “Oh psh! You wouldn't ruin it.” “You don't know that.” “I know more than you think. I'm sure if you show him some of those curves he'd notice what was going on.” “GRANDMA!” I couldn't help but laugh, “My goodness! Listen to yourself!” “I am!” she stated laughing. “Look, I'll talk to him when I'm ready.. okay?” “Alright dear, just don't wait to long, a man can only wait so long before he starts to think thoughts.” I look at her and shake my head 'Crazy old lady' as dinner was finished, we all ate and opened gifts, they loved their gifts and I loved mine. A hand made bracelet, clothes and ninja gear, “Thank you guys so much! I love them!” Around 10:30 we all went to sleep, I feel asleep watching the snow fall and thinking about what my grandmother said.. “Why do I feel like I'm keeping him waiting...?” 

At 8:30 I was up and ready to leave, it being Christmas and all. After eating breakfast with my family, I hugged them and headed back to Konoha, but not before stopping by the bookstore first. I walk up to the bookstore and see that it is open, walking in I hear the old man from yesterday and and another voice.. a woman. “Dear, would you just be patient?” “But honey, it's Christmas.. I don't think we should be here.” “It's just a day, noth-” “EXCUSE ME?! Just a day! It's Christmas you Scrooge and I will NOT be in this shop all day and neither will YOU! Do. You. Understand. ME?!” “Y-yes d-d-dear-r..” I stare in awe 'That does pop the question as to why they are open... Does he really not like Christmas?' “Umm..” trying to just get my book and leave, “Oh, there you are!” “You were waiting on me Sir?” “Well, of course. I could tell this book means a great deal to you, so I came in on Christmas to give it to you.” “Are you serious?!” “Mhmm!” “So that's why we are here?!” you look at the older woman with the same look of disbelief. “Well, yes.” “But Sir... you didn't have to do all this. I mean, thank you... but you should be out enjoying your day with you lovely wife.. not catering to my needs and wants.” “I did it because I felt like I should, plus any woman who is brave enough to come in here and buy this book is well... determined.” “Determined Sir?” “Mhmm, I don't know any other woman that would do that. Well... other than my wife.” “I be your pardon?!” finally the older woman understood everything as she looked at you with a smile of understanding and mischief. “So this is the girl who bought the book yesterday dear!” “Yeah.” the older man grins at his wife, “Well love why didn't you tell me??” “Slipped my mind.” “Umm, not meaning to sound rude or anything.. but I really need to get going.” “Oh of course! Be right back.” I watch as the older man walked to the back, leaving his wife and I alone. “Can I tell you something?” my eyes going to her, I nod “What you're doing right now, going out of your way to make sure this man's Christmas is perfect.. that dear is truly wonderful. I want to thank you as well.” “Thank me? For what ma'am?” “For showing me that he still has his Christmas spirit. I've haven't seen him this way in years.” “But how does that involve me?” “Because, this is how we got together.” “Huh?” “I went through what you are going through.. but he ended up surprising me in the end.” “He did? With what?!” “The best Christmas gift ever, h-” “Here it is Miss!” I watch the older man run from the back room waving it in the air, I couldn't help but giggle. “Do you need the paper from yesterday?” “Oh no Miss, take it and you have a Merry Christmas.” “To you both as well.” I shake both of their hands and wave while going out the door, only to notice the older woman wink at me. I couldn't help but smile and get this extremely happy feeling. “Now time to head home.” 

After about 3 hours of walking, just as I walk through the gates of Konoha snow begins to fall, I smile to myself and keep heading for home 'I need to pass out the gifts to everyone.' of course as I walk home I run into everyone on the way there only to have them follow me back home. 'Hey might as well kill all the birds with one stone.' I smirk to myself, I give everyone their gifts and receiving equal amount back, I make my way to find Kakashi. “Now where could he be?” “Where could who be?” I jump back to the sound of Kiba's voice “Jezz Kiba, give me a heart attack!” “Hahaaaa oh lighten up!” I grin at the dog-boy, well might as well ask him “Oh ha-ha, very funny Kiba-kun.” he gives me a toothy grin and repeats his question “Oh, I was wondering where Kakashi is. Do you know?” “Umm, yeah. He's by the lake.” “Really?! Thank you Kiba! Oh and Merry Christmas!” “Like wise!” I hear him shout as I run off, I approach the lake and there he is.. sitting on a rock watching the snow fall onto the lake. As I watch him, a great plan came to mind 'This is going to be gold.' I walk up to Kakashi, the plan laying in my head, “Merry Christmas Kakashi!” I say smiling at him, only to receive I grin with a “Merry Christmas to you as well.” “What are you doing way out here?” “Relaxing, it's peaceful here.” “Indeed. Mind if I join you?” “Not at all.” he says with a nod. I brush some snow off the rock and part myself right next to him, we sit in a peaceful silence until the sound of children laughing breaks us from the moment. We both turn to see the kids having a snowball fight, I grin to myself knowing this was a sign. “How was your trip?” “Fine, did what those kids are doing.” say to him without looking at him. He chuckles, “Cute.” “What, that I have 12 year old ways?” “Yes.” “Oh shut up” “Make me.” “Excuse me?” “You heard me Mayumi.. make me.” I eye him to see what he was up too “Kakashi... are you having a 12 year old moment?” “Maybe.” he says with a grin. “Oh well, then I guess it's okay if I do this!” I crush a snowball right on top of his head, and bolt. “What's wrong Kakashi? Can't keep up?” “You asked for it!” He reaches down and throws a snowball at you hitting you right in the leg “Ow! Now it's on!” 


I hit Kakashi in the stomach, only to be hit in the arm. 'Damn, he's good.' I grin to myself, laughing like a maniac. “You're not going to win this Mayumi-chan!” “I think I will Kakashi-kun!” I yell as I throw a snowball hitting him right in the face having him fall backwards, I couldn't help but laugh.. but then he wasn't getting up. “Kakashi... are you okay?” I say slowly walking up to him, snowball in hand, no response. “Kakashi?!” I see his face half with snow, the other half flawless. I look at him for a sec, and nudge him with my foot, “Well I guess I win by knock out!” you say while dancing around a little “That's what you think.” “Huh?! WH-!?” I hit the snow hard as Kakashi pulls me down, laughing “Eat snow Mayumi.” My eyes widen as a snow ball is thrown at me, I dodge and start to get up, he throws another, this time nailing me in my back. “Ow!” I chuck the snowball that I had in my hands earlier and BAM right in his face. He shakes the snow off and glares at me, “Uh-oh...” I take off running only to get tackled to the ground by Kakashi. “I wonder Mayumi..” “Wonder what?!” “If you're ticklish...” I stare at him with an annoyed expression, “Not one bit.” “Oh really?” “Mhmm.” “Let's test this theory.” he begins trying to tickle.. fail. “Wow.. I guess you're not.” “Nope.” “Noted.” as we look into each others eyes, I can't help wonder what he looks like underneath that damn mask. Being lost in his gaze, not wanting to ever leave it.. but sadly “You never told me what you wanted for Christmas.” I sigh, “You never asked.” “I didn't? Well.. how dumb of me.” Giggling was the only thing I could do “But seriously.. what would you like?” I thought for a second, but the answer was the same. “Honestly, to make everyone happy.” “Well that's silly.” “Excuse me?” I spat back, him seeing my anger rise, he quickly said “You already make people happy.” Rolling my eyes, “Does that mean I make you happy Kakashi?” “Every damn day.” I look at him with questioning eyes, “What?” “ I said, every damn day.” he states while rubbing his thumb against my face, and looking dead into my eyes. “Kakashi...” “Shh, listen. The first day I saw you, I had to meet you. When I heard you voice, I had to speak to you. When you hugged me for the first time, I knew I had to have more of it. Every smile, every laugh, every joke.. I wanted to make them last forever, to live in them. All the missions we've been on, I had to protect you. Do you know why that is?” I feel myself start to shake, and it wasn't because of the snow. “W-why Kakashi-i?” “Because you make me forget about my past, you make me feel whole, no other woman can hold a candle to you your beauty, personality. Whenever you're around.. all I see is you, and I would love for you to keep it that way.” I feel my face turning more hot than before, but my curiosity got the better of me.. “H-how can I-I do that?” “By accepting this gift..” he says as he dangles a 14 karate diamond key necklace in my face, gasping I look at it mouth falling open, speechless. I couldn't muster words, this man made me speechless. He chuckles, I look at him “Wha, why.. wow...” he chuckles more, leaning in close to my ear, his warm breath brushing against my ear sending chills down my spine, he whispers “Why you asked? Because I love you.” I look at him in awe, “I love you too Kakashi.” within the second that left my lips his crashed onto mine. 

Molding perfectly together, moving in sync with one another I feel his hands going up and down the sides of my body, the roughness of his hand feeling amazing against my skin. Letting a moan escape my lips, he smirks as he leaves my lips and goes to my neck, shoulder.. licking, biting, and sucking any part of skin he could get his mouth on, earning moans as he kept on. His hand slips under my bra and squeezes my left breast, I arch my back, my body begging for more of his touch. Wrapping one of his arms around my waist, pulling me as close to him as humanly possible, returning his lips to mine. I run my tongue across his bottom lip, begging for entrance, he parts them slightly, I push my way into his mouth, memorizing every inch of it. Getting lost in his taste, his smell, his touch. Becoming restless he invades my mouth mimicking my actions, I nibble on his bottom lip, earning a moan from him. He squeezes my breast harder, then lifting up my shirt slightly, the cold air outside hitting my skin caused goosebumps everywhere. He takes my nipple in his hot mouth, running his tongue over it, running circles around it. Sudden waves of pleasure hitting me all at once, I grind my hips into his, making him buck his hips into mine. I wrap my legs around his waist and push myself on top of him. His eyes wide, and breathing rough.. I rub my hips up against him having him moan. “Maybe we should finish this some place else?” I whisper in his ear, nibbling on his lobe, feeling his shutter under mine touch. “Anything you say.” and with that said, he teleported us to his bedroom. 

Throwing me on his bed, and taking off his shirt. My eyes locked on his body, licking my lips at I look over every inch of him. “You like?” “Like you have to ask.” “Before anything else happens.. I'll take my gift now.” I say looking at the necklace in his hand, he walks over and puts it on for me, biting my shoulder. “And before I forget... Merry Christmas.” I throw the book at him, and watch his face light up. He begins to freak out, and I just start to laugh. “Where did you find this?!” “I have my ways.” winking at him, he smirks and places the book on his nightstand “That's for later, how about we finish what we started?” “I'm waiting.” he pulls my top and bra off all at once (crafty little bastard, huh?) never taking his eyes off me, he takes my breast in his hands and squeezes, massages them.. having his hands roam my whole upper body. Watching my face, hearing my moans.. I run my hands up his chest, just to feel him flex underneath my touch. Crashing his lips upon mine, we begin right where we left off.. only this time, he's not wasting anytime. He removes my pants leaving me in just my underwear. Licking my neck, he moves his fingers down to my pussy stroking it through the fabric. “Hm, that was quick.” he chuckles mockingly as he rubs his wet fingers together. “Shut up.” he chuckles again and kisses me rougher, more fire and passion. He slips a finger deep inside without warning, I moan into the kiss. As he continues he leaves my mouth, pumping harder inside me. After a few more thrust he slips in another, making me gasp. He moves his fingers in and out, making me wet beyond all reason. Feeling my climax close, I'm right there at it.. but he stops.. I whine, and look at him with pleading eyes “You're not cumming yet.” is all he said. I sit up and yank his pants and boxers down, catching him off guard, and me as well. I was breathing right on his dick, I take his tip in my mouth swirling my tongue around. His breath catching in his throat, taking the rest of him in my mouth, (well most of him anyways) I began to suck, going slow at first but picking up the pace as it carries on. “Oh fuck...” through gritted teeth he grabs a hold of my hair, guiding my head. I feel his body began to twitch, and I stop. He looks at me and grins, “Playing that game, huh?” “You started it.” he slams me to the bed, “This may hurt a little.” “I don't care.” I sharp pain shoots up lower half as I hold in the scream, “I told you so.” “Yeah, I know..” “Damn, you're tight.” he says breathless, resting his head on my shoulder. Lightly kissing it, 'My God.. does it hurt..' “I'm going to take it slow, for now.” you feel his hips slowly rock back and forth, the pain getting worse. I try to hold bad the signs, but he can see it on me face, I feel his kisses on my cheek, “I love you, Mayumi.” was whispered in my ear. “I love you too Kakashi.” he smiles and continues. But after a while, the pain changed into pleasure.. I roll my hips against his pushing his deeper inside me. He gets the sign and starts picking up the pace, feeling him push inside and slide back out made my head spin. “Mmm, Kakashi-kun...” he goes faster, slamming into me. I feel pressure in my lower stomach began to build.. “Oh Kakashi, I going to cum.” “Me too Mayumi.” He grunts and moans filling my ears, our moans together filling the room, his pace quickens faster as he slams into me, he slams over my spot “Ahhh! Right there.” he repeats the action going as fast and hard as he can.. until finally the pressure explodes, causing my release and soon his. He hovers over me, sweating and shaking. “Are you okay?” I ask, worried. He grins “Yeah. How are you?” “I'm good.” we both laugh, he kisses me one last time before pulling out, I moan feeling him leave me. He smiles and flops over beside me. Pulling the covers up over out naked bodies, I feel his arms wrap around me. I feel safe, and lean into him. “I love you Kakashi-kun, Merry Christmas.. and thank you.” I feel him smile in my hair “I love you Mayumi-chan, thank you.. and you're welcome.” “No Merry Christmas?” I feel him sigh, but chuckle “Merry Christmas.” “Thank you, and you're welcome.” As I begin to pass out in Kakashi's arms, I can't but smile. This is the best Christmas ever.

 Your gift, I hope you enjoy it girlll :D

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